Wednesday, September 23, 2009

reality bites

Okay guys, let's be real here. I never use this blog. Why?

1. I started it to update cyberspace on my trip to Thailand last summer as well as my internship at the News & Observer.
2. Those purposes are now fulfilled and if ever I had greater intentions for this blog, they have slowly atrophied, become vegetables, and died.
3. It's kind of ugly.

In truth, I've been blogging since high school and never considered that blog "professional" enough to link to for employers, co-workers, etc. But I've now deemed my old blog safe for public consumption, so you can find it here:

I post pictures and job-related things there, but it's also a repository for whatever thoughts are bouncing around in my brain or whatever adventures I'm up to.

So there's that. let's hope this blog, now dead (ish) doesn't become a blog zombie and come and eat the other one's braaaaains.